Deen Arts Foundation 

Arabic Calligraphy in the Chinese Style

General Student Gallery

Afrein Nasir

Studies began September, 2020


"Alhamdulillah" - All Praise be to Allah

Afrein Nasir

Studies began September, 2020


"Allahu Akbar" - Allah is the Greatest

Afrein Nasir

Studies began September, 2020


'As Salamu Alaikum' - Peace Be Upon You

Annie Tariq

Studies began September, 2020


Left: "Alhamdulillah" - All Praise be to Allah

Right: 'Allahu Akbar' - Allah is the Greatest

Annie Tariq

Studies began September, 2020


'Bismillah ArRahman ArRaheem'

 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

Areej Alazem

Studies began January 10, 2021

Syrian / Istanbul  

"Ya Raheem" - Oh Most Merciful 

Areej Alazem

Studies began January 10, 2021

Syrian / Istanbul 

'Masha Allah" - Allah's will be done

Areej Alazem

Studies began January 10, 2021

Syrian / Istanbul 

'Noorun Ala Noor'- Light Upon Light

Ayse Ikincisahin

Studies began January 2021


"Alhamdulillah" - All Praise be to Allah

Ayse Ikincisahin

Studies began January 2021


"Allahu Akbar" - Allah is the Greatest

Ayse Ikincisahin

Studies began January 2021


"Subhan Allah" - Glory be to Allah

Basira Robinson

Studies began September 2020

"Alhamdulillah" - All Praise be to Allah

Haji Dawud Chan Myae Aung

Studies began January 2021

Myanmar, Burma

"Allahu Akbar" - Allah is the Greatest

Hernán Siesquén Vásquez 

Studies began January 2021


"Subhan Allah" - Glory be to Allah

Khadijah Sajjad

Studies began October 12, 2020


"Allahu Akbar" - Allah is the Greatest

Moina Sajjad

Studies began September 20, 2019 

Dallas, Texas, USA

Moina Sajjad

Studies began September 20, 2019 

Dallas, Texas, USA

'Bismillah ArRahman ArRaheem'

 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Noor Anwer

Studies began 2018

Dallas, Texas, USA

'Laylatul Qadr Khairun Min Alfi Shahr'- The Night of Power is better than a Thousand (Other) Nights

Noor Anwer

Studies began 2018

Dallas, Texas, USA

'La ilaha illa Allah'- There is no god but Allah.

Noor Anwer

Studies began 2018

Dallas, Texas, USA

'La ilaha illa Allah'- There is no god but Allah.

Sadia Billoo

Studies began September 2020

Toronto, Canada

"Allahu Akbar" - Allah is the Greatest

Samar Farooq

Studies began January 10, 2021


'Audhubillah mina shaitan irajeem

- I seek refuge with Allah from the outcast Satan

Samar Farooq

Studies began January 10, 2021


'Rabbi Yassir wa la Tu'assir Rabbi Tammim Bilkhair'

-O my Lord, make this task easy for me, and do not make it difficult for me. O my Lord, let my affairs end with goodness. 

Sana Ali

Studies began October 10, 2020

Toronto, Canada

"Allahu Akbar" - Allah is the Greatest

Sharmeen Haroon Osman

Studies began October 17, 2020

South Africa

"Subhan Allah" - Glory be to Allah

"Alhamdulillah" - All Praise be to Allah

"Allahu Akbar" - Allah is the Greatest

Sharmeen Haroon Osman

Studies began October 17, 2020

South Africa

'Masha Allah" - Allah's will be done

Sharmeen Haroon Osman

Studies began October 17, 2020

South Africa

"Ya Raheem" - Oh Most Merciful 

Sidra Kim

Studies began October  10,2020

Hong Kong

'Fa bi'ay Aala'i Rabbikuma Tukadhiban'

- So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? 

Sidra Kim

Studies began October 10, 2020

Hong Kong

'Bismillah ArRahman ArRaheem'

 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

Sidra Kim

Studies began October 10, 2020

Hong Kong

'Masha Allah" - Allah's will be done

Suryani Yusup

Studies began January 9, 2021


'Masha Allah" - Allah's will be done

Suryani Yusup

Studies began January 9, 2021


'Talab  al ilm, minal mahdi ilaa al-lahdi' – Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.

Uzmaa Sayed

October 2020


"Ya Raheem" - Oh Most Merciful